General Class Practice Test

Select the most correct answer for each question, then submit your practice test to check your score. This practice test randomly pulls one question from each topic in the General pool.

Good Luck!


What is the purpose of an electronic keyer?

Automatic transmit/receive switching
Automatic generation of strings of dots and dashes for CW operation
VOX operation
Computer interface for PSK and RTTY operation


Which of the following describes the function of a two-input AND gate?

Output is high when either or both inputs are low
Output is high only when both inputs are high
Output is low when either or both inputs are high
Output is low only when both inputs are high


Which of the following steps must an amateur operator take to ensure compliance with RF safety regulations when transmitter power exceeds levels specified in FCC Part 97.13?

Post a copy of FCC Part 97.13 in the station
Post a copy of OET Bulletin 65 in the station
Perform a routine RF exposure evaluation
Contact the FCC for a visit to conduct a station evaluation


How does increasing boom length and adding directors affect a Yagi antenna?

Gain increases
Beamwidth increases
Front-to-back ratio decreases
Front-to-side ratio decreases


Which of the following is a requirement when using the FT8 digital mode?

A special hardware modem
Computer time accurate within approximately 1 second
Receiver attenuator set to -12 dB
A vertically polarized antenna


Which of the following frequencies is within the General class portion of the 80-meter band?

1855 kHz
2560 kHz
3560 kHz
3650 kHz


Why is it important to know the duty cycle of the mode you are using when transmitting?

To aid in tuning your transmitter
Some modes have high duty cycles that could exceed the transmitter's average power rating
To allow time for the other station to break in during a transmission
The attenuator will have to be adjusted accordingly


Why is high input impedance desirable for a voltmeter?

It improves the frequency response
It decreases battery consumption in the meter
It improves the resolution of the readings
It decreases the loading on circuits being measured


What term specifies a filter's attenuation inside its passband?

Insertion loss
Return loss
Ultimate rejection


What is good amateur practice if propagation changes during a contact and you notice interference from other stations on the frequency?

Tell the interfering stations to change frequency
Report the interference to your local Amateur Auxiliary Coordinator
Attempt to resolve the interference problem with the other stations in a mutually acceptable manner
Increase power to overcome interference


What does LUF stand for?

The Lowest Usable Frequency for communications between two points
The Longest Universal Function for communications between two points
The Lowest Usable Frequency during a 24-hour period
The Longest Universal Function during a 24-hour period


What is an advantage of using a ferrite core toroidal inductor?

Large values of inductance may be obtained
The magnetic properties of the core may be optimized for a specific range of frequencies
Most of the magnetic field is contained in the core
All these choices are correct


Why do most amateur stations use lower sideband on the 160-meter, 75-meter, and 40-meter bands?

Lower sideband is more efficient than upper sideband at these frequencies
Lower sideband is the only sideband legal on these frequency bands
Because it is fully compatible with an AM detector
It is good amateur practice


Which of the following describes one method of impedance matching between two AC circuits?

Insert an LC network between the two circuits
Reduce the power output of the first circuit
Increase the power output of the first circuit
Insert a circulator between the two circuits


Which ionospheric layer is the most absorbent of long skip signals during daylight hours on frequencies below 10 MHz?

The F2 layer
The F1 layer
The E layer
The D layer


What standing wave ratio will result when connecting a 50 ohm feed line to a non-reactive load having 50 ohm impedance?



Which of the following describes full break-in telegraphy (QSK)?

Breaking stations send the Morse code prosign "BK"
Automatic keyers, instead of hand keys, are used to send Morse code
An operator must activate a manual send/receive switch before and after every transmission
Transmitting stations can receive between code characters and elements


Which of the following is a danger from lead-tin solder?

Lead can contaminate food if hands are not washed carefully after handling the solder
High voltages can cause lead-tin solder to disintegrate suddenly
Tin in the solder can "cold flow," causing shorts in the circuit
RF energy can convert the lead into a poisonous gas


Which of the following limitations apply to transmitter power on every amateur band?

Only the minimum power necessary to carry out the desired communications should be used
Power must be limited to 200 watts when using data transmissions
Power should be limited as necessary to avoid interference to another radio service on the frequency
Effective radiated power cannot exceed 1500 watts


What might be the problem if you receive an RF burn when touching your equipment while transmitting on an HF band, assuming the equipment is connected to a ground rod?

Flat braid rather than round wire has been used for the ground wire
Insulated wire has been used for the ground wire
The ground rod is resonant
The ground wire has high impedance on that frequency


What dB change represents a factor of two increase or decrease in power?

Approximately 2 dB
Approximately 3 dB
Approximately 6 dB
Approximately 12 dB


What license examinations may you administer when you are an accredited VE holding a General class operator license?

General and Technician
General only
Technician only
Amateur Extra, General, and Technician


Which of the following describes how a speech processor affects a transmitted single sideband phone signal?

It increases peak power
It increases average power
It reduces harmonic distortion
It reduces intermodulation distortion


What is the purpose of a capacitance hat on a mobile antenna?

To increase the power handling capacity of a whip antenna
To allow automatic band changing
To electrically lengthen a physically short antenna
To allow remote tuning


Which of the following is required when participating in a contest on HF frequencies?

Submit a log to the contest sponsor
Send a QSL card to the stations worked, or QSL via Logbook of The World
Identify your station per normal FCC regulations
All these choices are correct


If three equal value resistors in series produce 450 ohms, what is the value of each resistor?

1500 ohms
90 ohms
150 ohms
175 ohms


Which symbol in figure G7-1 represents a Zener diode?

Symbol 4
Symbol 1
Symbol 11
Symbol 5
Circuit Diagram


How does the receiving station respond to an ARQ data mode packet containing errors?

It terminates the contact
It requests the packet be retransmitted
It sends the packet back to the transmitting station
It requests a change in transmitting protocol


How is an LED biased when emitting light?

Beyond cutoff
At the Zener voltage
Reverse biased
Forward biased


With which of the following conditions must beacon stations comply?

A beacon station may not use automatic control
The frequency must be coordinated with the National Beacon Organization
The frequency must be posted on the internet or published in a national periodical
There must be no more than one beacon signal transmitting in the same band from the same station location


How is an FSK signal generated?

By keying an FM transmitter with a sub-audible tone
By changing an oscillator's frequency directly with a digital control signal
By using a transceiver's computer data interface protocol to change frequencies
By reconfiguring the CW keying input to act as a tone generator


In what part of the 13-centimeter band may an amateur station communicate with non-licensed Wi-Fi stations?

Anywhere in the band
Channels 1 through 4
Channels 42 through 45
No part


What benefit can high geomagnetic activity have on radio communications?

Auroras that can reflect VHF signals
Higher signal strength for HF signals passing through the polar regions
Improved HF long path propagation
Reduced long delayed echoes


Which of the following describes a log periodic antenna?

Element length and spacing vary logarithmically along the boom
Impedance varies periodically as a function of frequency
Gain varies logarithmically as a function of frequency
SWR varies periodically as a function of boom length


What is the approximate length for a 1/2 wave dipole antenna cut for 3.550 MHz?

42 feet
84 feet
132 feet
263 feet